Create In Me a Clean Heart lyrics

clean heart

The lyrics “Create in Me a Clean Heart” come from Psalm 51:10, part of King David’s poem of repentance after his affair with Bathsheba. In this verse, David acknowledges his profound need for inner transformation that only God can provide. He asks God to “create in me a clean heart” as he recognizes his heart is impure due to sin. David also requests God “renew a right spirit within me,” aware that not just his heart but his core attitudes are misaligned. Through these powerful words, David expresses man’s complete reliance on divine intervention for true inward cleansing and restoration. The verse remains a touchstone of repentant prayer, laying bare our need for God’s regenerating work in our innermost being.



  • These lines are from Psalm 51:10 in the Bible. They express a prayerful request to God.
  • The speaker is asking God to transform their inner character/heart. The word “heart” here refers to the moral and spiritual nature of a person rather than just their emotions.
  • Specifically, the speaker wants God to “create in me a clean heart”. They recognize that on their own, their heart is not clean or pure. So they are asking God to intervene and take away any stain or corruption from their heart through a process of internal renewal.
  • In addition, the speaker requests that God “renew a right spirit within me”. The word “spirit” here relates to one’s inner disposition, attitudes and motivations. The speaker feels their spirit is not “right” or aligned properly.
  • So they ask God to renew their spirit from the inside out, changing their fundamental orientation, thoughts and impulses so they are rightly directed toward God.
  • Together these lines convey a deep sense of personal brokenness, failure and need for transformation that only God can provide through divine power working internally in the heart and spirit. The speaker humbly requests God’s cleansing and renewing work in their life.

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In Psalm 51:10, King David openly acknowledges his deep spiritual brokenness and need for transformation after his sins. He recognizes that his heart has been stained by impurity and asks God to “create in me a clean heart” through divine purification from within. David understands only the Lord can regenerate his innermost being. He further requests God to “renew a right spirit within me,” aware that his fundamental dispositions and motivations need redirection only God can provide. David expresses total reliance on the Almighty to redeem and restore him through a work of internal renewal.

The following verses continue David’s repentant prayer. In verses 11-12, he pleads with God not to cast him away or remove His holy presence and filling, which are vital sources of strength, comfort and guidance. David also asks to have the joy of his salvation restored, as he no longer feels delivered and free. Concluding by repeating his request for a spirit made right, David profoundly acknowledges his broken state and complete dependence on God to transform him inwardly. Through raw honesty and humility, these lyrics eloquently convey the repentant soul’s cry for ongoing purification and empowerment by God’s redemptive work within the inmostbeing. They powerfully demonstrate humanity’s need for divine renovating of the heart and spirit.



The psalmist cries out to God with a prayer for inner renewal and cleansing. They acknowledge that on their own, their heart is not clean or rightly directed towards God. They humbly request that God “create in me a clean heart” and “renew a right spirit within me” through His divine power working internally. The psalmist recognizes their deep need for God to intervene and transform their moral and spiritual nature from within. Without this renewal, they feel inwardly broken and far from God.

In the next lines, the psalmist continues pleading for God’s ongoing presence and empowerment in their life. They do not want God to reject them or remove His Holy Spirit dwelling within. This would be devastating to them. Having experienced joy and empowerment from their relationship with God in the past, they ask Him to “restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.” Repeating the request to renew their spirit, the psalmist longingly asks God to fully restore them through His gracious internal renewing work. They hope not to be forsaken by God but to have their spirit fully aligned with His once more through divine intervention in their inner being.


Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
Take not Thy holy spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
And renew a right spirit within me


The psalmist begins with a plea to not be cast away from God’s presence. They find their strength and security in being near to God. To lose His presence would be deeply troubling. Reinforcing this, the next line asks God to not take away His Holy Spirit. Dwelling within the Spirit provides guidance, comfort and enablement. Without the Spirit, the psalmist would feel lost.

Continuing in prayer, they ask to have the joy of salvation restored. At some point, this joy was absent from their life. Salvation signifies deliverance and freedom – freedoms the psalmist no longer felt. To conclude, they repeat the request for an inward renewal by God. Only He can change their inner disposition and desires to be rightly aligned with His. The psalmist longs for full restoration through a transformation of their very spirit by the Divine. In ending where they began, the repetition emphasizes the depth of their need for God to renew them internally so the distance felt can be repaired through His gracious redemptive work.



The psalmist begins by acknowledging their need for inner purification and change. They recognize their heart is not clean or pure on its own. So the first appeal asks God to “create in me a clean heart”, a heart made clean only through divine intervention. In addition, the spirit within also needs correction, for it is not rightly directed. So the second line asks God to “renew a right spirit within me” through spiritual transformation from within.

This first stanza is then repeated, underscoring the psalmist’s sense of brokenness and plea for God’s transformative work. On their own, they cannot cleanse their heart or straighten their spirit. Only the Creator has power to fashion a new heart and renew the internal orientation. By bookending the request with a repeated refrain, the psalmist demonstrates a deep awareness of personal corruption coupled with hope that God can and will perform radical inner renewal. They seek cleansing of motive and redirection of intent that only the Almighty can provide through regeneration of heart and spirit.



The psalmist begins by pleading with God not to cast them away or remove His presence. God’s nearness is their hope and strength. Without it, they would be lost. Reinforcing this, the next line asks that God not take away His Holy Spirit dwelling within. God’s Spirit is the source of guidance, comfort and empowerment. To lose the Spirit’s indwelling would strip away these vital gifts.

Continuing in prayer, the psalmist asks to have the joy of salvation fully restored. At some point, that joy was absent from their life. Salvation symbolizes deliverance and freedom, which they no longer felt. To conclude, they repeat the request for spiritual renewal. Only God can reshape their inner disposition and realign it rightly. The psalmist longs to be completely restored, their very spirit transformed by the Divine. By ending where they began, reiterating the plea, the psalmist emphasizes how deeply they need God to work within their inmost being to repair the internal disconnect felt. God alone can renew them and bring wholeness once more.


What Bible verse says create in me a clean heart?
Psalm 51:10 says “Create in me a clean heart, O God”.

Who wrote create in me a clean heart?
King David is traditionally considered the author of Psalm 51. He wrote this psalm seeking forgiveness after his adultery with Bathsheba.

What is the meaning of create in me a clean heart?
David is acknowledging that his heart has been stained by sin. He knows only God can transform his innermost being and make his heart pure again. He is asking God to literally create a new, clean heart within him through divine renewal.

What hymn is based on Psalm 51?
The hymn “Create in Me a Clean Heart” by Keith Green is based on Psalm 51:10. It echoes David’s prayerful request for God to create a clean heart and renew a right spirit as he seeks forgiveness and restoration.


the lyrics from Psalm 51:10-12 provide a profound glimpse into King David’s repentant heart as he humbly seeks forgiveness from God. The verses express David’s complete acknowledgement of his own sinfulness and inability to effect inner change on his own. He recognizes his need for divine intervention to transform his impure heart and misaligned spirit through a spiritual rebirth only God can accomplish. Through raw honesty, David lays bare his dependence on the Almighty for purification, guidance and restoration and the ongoing joy of salvation. These psalm verses eloquently convey the cry of a repentant soul longing to be fully restored and made new from within. They demonstrate humanity’s timeless reliance on God’s regenerating power to redeem and renew our inmost being. For these reasons, Psalm 51 continues to profoundly touch believers as a classic expression of repentance and hopeful petition for divine spiritual renewal.