Yes and lyrics

Yes and lyrics

“Yes And” by singer-songwriter Lennon Stella delivers a powerful message of self-empowerment and belief. Through upbeat lyrics and instrumentation, the song encourages listeners to embrace their authentic selves despite uncertainty or challenges from others. Rather than hiding inner truths or changing fundamentally for external validation, it advises facing life’s difficulties with an open and bold “Yes, and?” attitude. “cooking


The song encourages people to stop worrying about what others think and to fully embrace who they are. It tells listeners to “put on their lipstick” and walk confidently through challenging situations with their head held high.

When facing difficult circumstances, the chorus advises saying “Yes, and?” instead of getting stuck or defeated. This attitude of openness and possibility can help one keep moving forward positively.

The lyrics emphasize not hiding one’s authentic self under other people’s opinions or judgments. One should stand up for themselves and not change fundamentally to please others.

It also talks about speaking one’s own truth sacredly and being discerning about how one spends time. The energy and business of each person belongs to themselves alone. The song boldly tells haters not to comment on one’s body or try to control who one associates with.

The overall message is about mustering the courage within to be one’s own best friend and supporter. By believing in oneself fully and continuing with a “what’s next?” attitude, one can navigate life’s ups and downs while staying true to their authentic identity.

What do the lyrics mean by “put your lipstick on”?
It’s a metaphor for having confidence in who you are and not hiding your authentic self under what others think.

What is the “fire” referenced in walking through it?
Challenging situations or judgment from others that the song encourages facing boldly without concern for negativity.

Why is one’s time, energy and business referred to as their own?
The lyrics advise against letting others’ projections change your life or comment on your personal affairs and associations.

What is the overall message of being one’s “own best friend”?
To believe in and support yourself authentically so you can navigate life continuing with curiosity about what’s next rather than getting stuck in hard moments.


In closing, the empowering lyrics of “Yes And” ultimately encourage listeners to embrace self-confidence, disregard the judgment of others, and define their lives on their own authentic terms. Rather than hiding or changing who they are under unwanted projections, one should stand proudly in their truth. Facing life’s difficulties with an open and positive “Yes, and?” attitude can help maintain forward momentum even when the path is unclear or uncertain.


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