From the Start lyrics

From the Start

From the first lyrics listening, the song clearly explores a deeply relatable theme – that of loving someone without having one’s feelings returned. Through evocative language and imagery, the singer lays bare their soul, allowing us glimpses into real lived experiences many can identify with on some level.



This song tells a story of unrequited love through the eyes of someone pining after another person who does not feel the same way. From the very first lines, the singer conveys how difficult it is for them to be alone together in “awkward silence” because their true feelings are not expressed or returned.

Just a simple look from the object of their affection is enough to remind the singer of the painful truth – that this person does not love them in return. This unfulfilled love leaves them feeling a deep, “burning pain” in their heart.

To make matters worse, the singer has to listen to constant talk about this person’s “new soulmate” and how “perfect” they are. One can almost feel the singer’s anguish as they wish and hope that someday, their love will be realized. They dream that perhaps one morning, this person will “wake up” and finally confess their love.

But for now, the singer is left pining from afar. Whenever they talk to or think about this person, it’s as if Cupid’s arrow is shot straight through their heart. While they acknowledge they may sound ridiculous for feeling this way, they can’t help but wonder if on some subconscious level, the object of their affection feels it too.


This unrequited love has become truly terrifying for the singer, driving them to the brink of insanity as they lie awake at night, tortured by their thoughts and feelings. They feel an overwhelming need to finally confess what’s really in their heart, even if there is a risk of rejection, just to get it off their chest once and for all. “From the Start”

Through vivid imagery and raw emotion, the song paints a picture of what it’s like to love someone who doesn’t love you back.It captures the turmoil of suppressed feelings, the heartache of seeing affection directed elsewhere, and the desperation of wanting to openly express one’s true love, even if it may not be returned.Ultimately, it’s a moving portrait of unrequited love and the agony that comes with loving from afar. “From the Start”

FAQs About From the Start

What is the song about?

A: The song is about unrequited love – it tells the story of someone who is in love with someone who does not love them back.

Who is singing?

The song does not specify who the singer is, it is told from the perspective of someone pining after another person.

What is the relationship between the singer and the person they love?

It’s not entirely clear what their relationship is exactly, but they seem to spend time together alone and the singer wishes the person would see them romantically rather than just as a friend or acquaintance.

What is the singer’s biggest struggle?

The singer struggles most with dealing with the pain of their unreciprocated love, having to listen to the object of their affection talk about someone else, and wanting to confess their feelings despite the risk of rejection.

How does the song convey the emotions of unrequited love?

Through vivid imagery like Cupid’s arrow piercing the heart, and expressions of frustration, jealousy, sadness and longing, the song gives the listener insight into how profoundly unfulfilled love can affect someone on an emotional level.

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In the end, this song masterfully captures the deep emotional turmoil that comes with loving someone who does not love you in return. Through its intimate lyricism and raw honesty, it takes the listener deep inside the heart and mind of someone experiencing unrequited love.

The singer lays bare their most vulnerable feelings through vivid metaphors and turns of phrase that bring their pain to life. By the end, anyone who has felt the agony of one-sided affection cannot help but empathize with their plight.

Rather than providing answers or solutions, the song simply holds up a mirror to the unglamorous reality of longing from afar. It reminds us that love is not always neat or tidy, but complex, messy and deeply human. Though sad, its authentic portrayal resonates far beyond the specifics of any one relationship.

While the song leaves the characters’ ultimate fate ambiguous, in some ways that is its power. The singer’s experience transcends plot details to represent something universal. Their confession gives voice to hopes, fears and intimate truths that many can relate to but rarely find such poetic expression.

In its honest portrayal of emotional rawness, this piece shows that even anguish has beauty when transformed by art. Ultimately, it leaves the listener not with closure, but a deeper understanding of love in all its multi-faceted complexity – both the exquisite highs and the agonizing lows. And in that experience of shared vulnerability, perhaps some comfort can be found after all. “From the Start”


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